ENSIE & ESSWE Conferences
ENSIE organizes conferences every year, normally in the summer. As ENSIE is affiliated to ESSWE, the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism, ENSIE organises panels for ESSWE's biannual conferences.
The next conference is in conjunction with ESSWE. See below. Future conferences
Past conferences
ENSIE participation in the biannual conference of ESSWE at Vilnius University in Lithuania, Thursday June 26 to Saturday June 28 will be announced when the ESSWE program is published. For further information, see www.esswe10.lt.
'The program of the ENSIE workshop on Wednesday June 25, also at Vilnius University, is as follows:
12:30–12:45: Welcome
12:45–14:15: Panel 1: Foundational
- Liana Saif (Amsterdam), “Esotericism and Antinomianism (8th-9th centuries).”
- Fares Gillon (Aix-Marseille), “‘Human Angels’ in Early Shi'ism and Ismailism.”
- Jannis Kostelnik (Hamburg), “Magic Squares as a Weapon of War: The Manuscript WMS Arabic 723 as an Expression of Applied Esotericism in West Africa.”
14:30–16:00: Panel 2: Conceptual
- Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute), “Sūra and Figura.”
- Antonio de Diego González (Malaga), “Ajami-beings. An Onto-Epistemic Aperture to Islamic Esotericism.”
- Mark Sedgwick (Aarhus), “Islam, Esotericism, and NRMs.”
16:30–18:00: Panel 3: Modern
- Oleg Yarosh (Aarhus), “Trajectories of Sufi Healing in the Post-Soviet Esoteric Milieu.”
- Rasoul Namazi (Duke Kunshan), “Ahmad Fardid: Westoxification and Mystical Politics in Modern Iran.”
- Maryam Abbasi (Erlangen), “Digital Mediumship: An Ethnographic Study of Spirit Mediumship on Social Media Platforms in Contemporary Iran.”
19:00: ENSIE dinner
The workshop is open to all members of ENSIE and/or ESSWE. There is no fee, but please send your name to secretary@ensie.site if you intend to attend, indicating whether or not you wish to join the dinner, which participants will pay for themselves.
Contact: info@ensie.site